SAFFORD — The recent expansion of Green’s Furniture means the need for more storage, and the Safford City Council, acting as the city’s Board of Adjustment, agrees; however with a time constraint.
Green’s Furniture owner David Green requested a variance from city code, which allows a maximum of 320 square feet of metal shipping containers on a commercial property. Green requested approval for four storage containers, totaling 1,280 square feet.
“This year, I purchased my brother Tom Green’s appliance business. He stored appliances inside the showroom floor in boxes. I need that space to display more furniture and more appliances,” David Green said.
Green added that the metal storage containers would be painted a uniform color — Navajo white — and he anticipated needing them for about two years while he constructs a new warehouse.
Councilman Steve McGaughey said he took a recent tour of the commercial districts of the city, and believes he found a number of properties that appear to be out of compliance with city code when it comes to the number of metal storage containers, suggesting that most did not obtain city approval, and that Green shouldn’t be punished for properly going through the application process.
The City Council agreed and unanimously approved the variance but added a two-year time limit, as suggested by Green.