THATCHER, AZ—Eastern Arizona College’s Softball team will host a free softball clinic for players of all ages (through high-school-age) and all skill levels (boys and girls) at the EAC Softball Field on Saturday, January 18, 2020. The clinic will be set up for two different groups, 10 – 11:30 a.m. for kids ages 5 through currently in 7th grade (or less advanced players), and 1 – 3 p.m. for high-school age and more advanced players.
Students who attend are asked to bring a glove and bat if they have one, a water bottle, and to dress appropriately. All softball skills will be addressed according to age and skill level and staff will teach and cover base running, hitting, throwing, defense, pitching and catching.
Players are encouraged to come as an individual or as a team.
“This is a fun opportunity for all our local kids to come out and do some drills and learn some skills right before we start getting ready for the spring season,” said EAC’s head softball coach and coordinator of the clinic, Kate McCluskey.
Questions about the clinic should be directed to McCluskey at 428-8411.