The base course of asphalt has been completed between 1st Avenue and Allred Lane and the road is re-opened. A final course of asphalt will be placed in the coming months. Currently, concrete curbs are being poured on the north side of Church Street between 1st Avenue and High School Avenue. Driveways and intersections will then be poured in this section. Residents may have to park their vehicles on the opposite side of the street when their driveways are being constructed. Once the curbs and driveways are complete in this area, the road will be removed and replaced. This work will start at 1st avenue and continue west. Road closures will happen as the road is being re-constructed.
The construction of the Church Street project is well underway. Roadway construction is scheduled to be finalized by February of 2020. The construction will include all new curb, gutter, sidewalks and asphalt from Stadium Ave to Highway 70. Traffic calming devices are also part of the project, including a round-about at the intersection of 3rd Ave. City officials ask that everyone SLOW DOWN in the construction zone and take alternative routes where possible to reduce congestion and traffic in the work zone.