Bratlee, Secret Soldiers is the Pride of Safford

Nicole Bratlee was presented the Pride of Safford Award for her creation of Secret Soldiers, a nonprofit organization that sends needed items to active-duty military. - David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central

SAFFORD — Nicole Bratlee, the creator of a nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of active-duty military members received the Pride of Safford Award Thursday.

“It’s not about me at all; it’s actually about our deployed soldiers overseas. That’s why I created Secret Soldiers, to show that they matter. Our motto is ‘You matter.’ Their mental health matters to me and everybody else, ” Bratlee said.

Bratlee, a 20-year Air Force veteran, created Secret Soldiers, which sends items free to military members on deployment, both personal grooming items and other material that lets the military members know they haven’t been forgotten.

“This (award) is quite nice and, hopefully, get the community more involved, so it’s really good,” Bratlee said.

Secret Soldiers accepts monetary donations, as well as donations of unopened, unused items, including: pre-packaged candies, powdered mix for bottled water, jerky, gift cards, trail mix, dried fruit, headphones, Ramen, Slim Jims, 5-hourr Energy drinks, EmergenC, Chapstick, lotion, hand sanitizer, baby wipes, anti-bacterial wipes, hair ties, Bobby pins, combs, nail clippers, nail files, Q-tips, loofahs and tissues.

To donate, go to Donate | Secret Soldiers (

