Boys and Girls Club fund-raising for trips to Graham County Fair, Disneyland

The Graham County Fair at night. - David Bell Photo/Gila Valley Central

SAFFORD — The Boys and Girls Club of the Gila Valley does more than provide a safe space for youths after school.

In addition to helping with homework and learning life skills, Program Manager Elsa Aguilar said club members are fund-raising for trips.

“The one things that I want to do for them is create those memories that they’re going to keep forever,” she said. “They going to look back and say, ‘I remember when I did this,’ or ‘I got to do this because of the club.’ ”

Club members recently sold street tacos and elote during SalsaFest, to raise funds for a trip to Disneyland in 2024, and the club is taking donations to pay for admission and ride wristbands to the upcoming Graham County Fair for club members who otherwise could not afford to attend.

Donations can be made at A DAY AT THE FAIR FOR A BOYS & GIRLS CLUB KID | Mightycause.

Aguilar also announced the club will host two Halloween events in October. The first is called “Date Night,” Where parents can bring their children to club on Friday, Oct. 27, from 6-10:30 p.m., and the parent can enjoy a child-free date night.

“We’re going to have dinner for the kids at 6 p.m. At 6:30 p.m., we’re going to be having a cookie station, where kids can decorate cookies, we’re going to have a Halloween contest, we’re going to make bracelets (and) we’re going to make s’mores,” Aguilar said, adding a child-appropriate movie will also be shown.

Cost is $5 for club members and $10 for non-members.

The second event is Saturday, Oct. 28, when the club will host a haunted house open to the community. Admission is $5 with donation of a non-perishable food item.

Listen to the full interview at Voice of the Valley: October events at the Boys and Girls Club | GilaValleyCentral.Net

