By Lori Dugan
THATCHER, Ariz.—Eastern Arizona College’s 42nd annual Skills Day competition is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10, 2018, from 8 a.m. until Noon. Everyone in the community is invited to enter their vehicle in the annual car show that is being offered in conjunction with Skills Day and hosted by EAC’s ITE Division and automotive instructor, Brian Coppola.
“There is no fee to enter your car in the show,” said Coppola. “But we would appreciate it if you would let us know you are coming by registering ahead of time.”
Cars should be 90 percent restored inside and out. EAC’s coveted automotive department hats will be awarded to the top twenty “best in show” vehicles.
Registration is encouraged but not required. Entrants can register by contacting Barbara Gojkovich in the Counseling Office at (928) 428-8425 or by e-mail at: