Applications for grants from the City of Safford now being accepted

- Karolina Grabowska Photo/Pexels

SAFFORD — The City of Safford announced this week it is accepting applications for grant funding from charitable and nonprofit organizations.

The city included $50,000 in this year’s budget for funding local nonprofit organizations, and city staff established a criteria for the application process, including:

● Organizations applying for funds must be providing services, supporting activities, or encouraging economic development in Safford

● Must be established for a minimum of two years

● Must be chartered or incorporated through the Arizona State Corporation Commission

● Must be a tax-exempt entity as determined by the federal Internal Revenue Service

The application must include a “transmittal letter” that outlines the organization’s mission, benefit of the organization to Safford residents and what would happen if grant funding is not approved.

Organizations must also make available its IRS tax-exempt certificate, listing of its officers and board of directors, and a copy of its most recent financial report.

Organizations can request up to $5,000 each fiscal year and the application can be found here.

Final decision on funding will be made by the City Council during a public meeting.

