Man Arrested For DUI, Possession of Stolen Pistol, Drugs

Safford Police Officers were dispatched to Main Street and 5th Avenue, at around 3:00 am, December 6th, in reference to a black Ford truck that was stopped at the intersection and the driver appeared to be asleep.

When Safford Officers drove up, they found the driver with his head back asleep. An Officer drove his vehicle facing the black truck so when the driver woke up, his vehicle wouldn’t lurch forward. Another Officer was able to open the passenger side door and remove the keys from the ignition.  The Officers then woke the driver up. He seemed disoriented and confused and was trying to put the truck in gear.

The driver told the Officer’s his name and he had “funny pictures” drawn on his forehead.

Two smoking pipes were found inside the man’s truck, along with a waxie substance that contained high amounts of THC, the chemical in marijuana. Authorities also found a loaded Smith and Wesson .45 caliber pistol. The serial number of the pistol was run through Graham County Dispatch and it was found to be a stolen weapon out of Clifton. The man claimed that he didn’t know the gun was stolen.

A search warrant was issued to collect the man’s blood. After the blood draw the man was driven home and a report was sent to the County Attorney’s Office.

