Free Summer Meal Program Starting June 1st


Any child under the age of eighteen can come and receive a free breakfast, lunch, and dinner, this summer at designated areas. It is part of a state wide federally-funded meal program called the Summer Food Service Program. Adults may also eat for the cost of two or three dollars. Children may eat the lunches without registration, and each meal meets federal nutritional guidelines. There are no forms to fill out on site, and children do not need to be registered in school to receive the meals.
On Thursday, June 3rd, the free bagged lunches ran out at the Thatcher Splash Pad at 11:40. It was quickly phoned in, and more bagged lunches were brought, and they were also eaten quickly. The lunch being served was a ham and cheese sandwich, bean salad, apple, and chocolate milk.
Arizona is the nation’s third highest in childhood food insecurity ratings. Currently, one in three Arizona children live in poverty. Arizona also has higher than average hunger statics. This summer meal program was created so that children would not go hungry because they weren’t in school over the summer.

Meals are available at sites listed below. Meals must be consumed on site.

June hot breakfasts and lunch will be served at Safford Middle and Dorothy Stinson Elementary School Cafeterias. Hot dinners will be served at Lafe Nelson Elementary Cafeteria.

Hot breakfast & lunches are available at the Middle school Cafeteria & Dorothy Stinson Cafeteria. Hot Dinners are served at the Lafe Nelson Cafeteria. Other sites will serve sack lunches. Meals are available for Adult purchase for $2.50 for Lunch and $1.75 for Breakfast. Extra Milks are $ .50
June Open Site Locations – Meals Must Be Consumed On site.
Safford Middle School Cafeteria (Hot Breakfast&Lunch)
1067 8th Avenue ~ B.Fast: 7:00-9:00 AM / Lunch: 11:00–12:30PM


Dorothy Stinson School Cafeteria (Hot Breakfast&Lunch)
2013 S. 8th Avenue ~ B.Fast: 8:00-9:00 AM / Lunch: 11-12PM


Lafe Nelson Cafeteria (Hot Dinner) – 1100 10th Avenue ~ Dinner: 5:00-7:00 PM


Safford Swimming Pool (Sack Lunch in covered picnic area)
1024 W. Main Street ~ Sack Lunch 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM


St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church
311 S. Central Ave. ~ Breakfast: 8 – 8:30 AM / Lunch 11:30-12:30


Thatcher Splash Park (Sack Lunch under Ramada)
3883 W. Ballpark Rd. Thatcher, AZ ~ Lunch 11:00 AM- 12:00 PM


Safford RV Resort Rec. Center (Sack Lunch in Clubhouse)
2075 W. Golf Course Rd. ~ Lunch 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM


Mt. Graham Apartments (Breakfast & Lunch Playground)
2040 S. 20th Ave ~ Breakfast 8:30- 9:30 Lunch 11:00-12:00


Safford Villa Apartments (Breakfast & Lunch in Office Area)
106 W. 11th St. ~ Breakfast 8:30- 9:30 Lunch 11:00-12:00


****All Meals Must be Consumed On site***
Sites & times are subject to change. Please look for weekly menus & sites in local newspaper during the summer months. For more information please call 348-7005 or 348-7056. This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider.

